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The User Forum is accessible via Astrobyte’s home page, and is your best source for updates and information.
Click ‘Visit Astrobyte’ to access Astrobyte’s web site.
Visit Astrobyte
You have registered your copy of BeyondPress via mail or fax. If you later obtain full Internet access, you may register again via the World Wide Web. Then you will receive a User ID for access to the BeyondPress User Forum.
Click ‘Register via WWW’ to obtain your ID. Click elsewhere to continue.
Register via WWW
BeyondPress Eval has the following limitations:
• “[Demo]” replaces random words in the exported text.
• The word “Demo” is added to all exported images.
To purchase a fully functional version, click below.
Order BeyondPress
To specify the location of this item in the output text, select a text chain, position the insertion point, and click OK.